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Influential with Katty Kay
Legendary musician Wynton Marsalis sits down with Katty Kay to talk about his early fame, his commitment to jazz, and his philosophy on music and life.
BBC News
Legendary musician Wynton Marsalis sits down with Katty Kay to talk about his early fame, his commitment to jazz, and his philosophy on music and life.
Legendary musician Wynton Marsalis sits down with Katty Kay to talk about his early fame, his commitment to jazz, and his philosophy on music and life.
BBC News
Legendary musician Wynton Marsalis sits down with Katty Kay to talk about his early fame, his commitment to jazz, and his philosophy on music and life.
Unspun World with John Simpson
John Simpson brings his expertise to bear on the most important stories. In discussion with the BBC's range of experts across the world, he uses their unique local knowledge to go beyond the headlines to get to the unspun truth about the world.
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