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Get all information about bbc alba hd Check what will be playing now and what will be later, in the magnumott
Alba Today
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Alba Today
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
SWPL - Glasgow City v Hibernian
Live coverage from Petershill Park as Glasgow City host Hibernian in the SWPL. [S] [HD.
Boban is Fuigheag
2/40. Tha Cladhach Mòr a' gabhail àite - ach bheil Fuigheag foighidneach gu leòr? There's a big dig happening today, but is Fuigheag patient enough? [S] [HD.
Boban is Fuigheag
3/40. Tha Boban a' toirt ponaigeadh sònraichte do dh'Fhuigheag gus am faigh e air a dhealbh a tharraing. Boban makes Fuigheag look extra nice so that he can paint his perfect picture. [S] [HD.
Daolag-bhreac is Seillean/Ladybird & Bee
16/26. Tha Daolag Bhreac is Seillean tuathal leis na rinn iad de thoinneamh. Daolag Bhreac and Seillean are dizzy after the amount of spinning they've done. [S] [HD.
Gasta a' Ghraineag/Happy the Hoglet
4/26. Chan eil Gasta toilichte nuair tha Màgan is Sìm air bùrach a dhèanamh sa ghàrradh aige. Gasta is not happy when Màgan and Sìm make a mess of his garden. [S] [HD.
Meaban is Moo
1/10. Linda asks Meaban and Moo to find three rectangular items. Their hut is full of junk so the pair need to have a good rummage in order to find them! [S] [HD.
'S E Iasg a Th'Annam (I'm a Fish)
4/52. Tha muir-tèachd ag innse dhuinn mu dheidhinn fhèin agus mar a tha 'ad coltach ri slaman. A jellyfish tells us all about himself and how they resemble jelly. [S] [HD.
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